Pediatric Cardiology Clinic I chose to develop a plan for a pediatric cardiology clinic in our local area, the need for the clinic is very great due to the fact that the old cardiology clinic has closed down and there are no other pediatric cardiology clinics within at least a two hour drive from here. This clinic is an outpatient clinic that will be open from 8am to 5pm and closed on the weekends, with an emergency line for patients needing to speak to the cardiologist on call during the week or weekend. The clinic will see new patients up to the age of 18 and any previous patients up to the age of 21; this is for insurance purposes as well as the ability to still see patients in which the clinic will have previous medical records and proper documentation on. Patients with a serious medical condition will be scheduled and seen at our contracting hospital as soon as it is possible to do so within reasonable time frames for the patients.
The description of this facility is as follows; we will have a one story office building, this way it will be more inexpensive than paying for and servicing elevators due to the fact that the clinic will more than likely have some patients with ambulatory conditions and the servicing of an elevator can become more costly, the clinic will also have a front office for medical staff to maintain medical records, new patient referrals and a desk for scheduling new and returning patients as well as an insurance billing and coding section. This pediatric cardiology clinic will have a back office in a private section for the doctor to work and keep his personal documents and things. The clinic will have a total of three exam rooms with exam room number one being for the electrocardiograms and stress testing of the patients; exam room number two will be for echocardiograms and this is where the patients will be spending the majority of their time with the echocardiography technician, this last room