This study will look on the ability of the local supermarket to take in to account the consumer buying behavior and characteristic as a baseline for defining marketing programs. To better understand why consumers buy as they do, many marketers turn to the behavioral sciences for help. Similarly, there are numerous theories, models and concepts making up the the field.
These variables and the buying process are usually affected by relations with other people too. The study will look at how individuals interact with family, social class, and other group who may have influences.
The study will be conducted in Eldoret town in the month of January 2011, and will adopt a survey design. The study will target customers, managers from 10 major supermarkets, cashiers, accountants and supermarkets attendants. Data will be collected using questionnaires, and analyzed using statistical techniques.
Similarly some variables of special interest to marketers include motlvation, perception, learning, attitudes, and lifestyle. Much of what we know a bout these psychological [interprets} variables draws from ideas originally developed in the field of psychology.
Inadditon,a solid understanding of consumer behavior is necessary because consumer actions influences the success or failure of marketing strategy, and because firms must create marketing mix that satisfies customers. Moreover, the researcher touches on the analysis and interpretation of data after the collection of questionnaires.This will assist the researcher in making appropriate suggestions and conclusion from the information gotten from the sample.The researcher used charts,tables and graphs through working out of percentages.
Finally,the study gives a summary of the findings,conclusions and recommendations.There is summarization of findings in relation to the objectives of the study;in general
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