It is also a theory or systematic study of moral values that assists individuals in deciding whether an act is moral or immoral, right or wrong, good or evil; therefore ethics are relative and not absolute. It serves as a guide in choosing the right course of action when we are confronted with ethical issues that may be personal, varies, complex, uncertain occurrences, mixed consequences.
A person’s decision when dealing with what is right and wrong behaviours depends on the person’s personal belief and view of ethics. Behaving ethically is doing something a person need to do everyday if he or she believes it is a good thing to do. A person needs to practice and apply moral reasoning in everyday life because it is critical in order to achieve mutual trust, fairness, balance, justice, liberty, and integrity, and transparency, harmony between individuals or groups.
The common views can be grounded in natural law, religious belief, family or parental influence, peer influences, educational background, life experiences, cultural and societal expectations, and personal values and morals.
Ethics can be personal. Everyone has different foundation on which they build their moral code. Family members especially mom and dad can expose child to emotional and behaviour influence. Individual’s ethics are also influenced by peers are work and at school whom they interact daily. Value transfer and counter transfer happens between individuals and peers.
Life experience too forms a person’s ethics because significant events and reality that did matter to the individual’s actions for the rest of his or her life. Life experience of a person is accumulated from a part of growing up. As an individual’s mature, their