In a 2009 study, researchers found that women who birthed very low birth weight infants (VLBW) were more than likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to women who birth full term, normal weight infants (Ahlund, Clarke, Hill, & Thalange 2009). This study will bring forth identifying factors as well as operative coping mechanism that mothers can utilize pre and post-partum as “there is much a woman and her family can do during pregnancy that will lessen her chances of a postpartum mood and anxiety disorder like postpartum depression, or that may, at least, play a role in the reduction of symptoms (Kripke, …show more content…
To appropriately distinguish these influences, the survey will require no less than fifty participants as any less than that the study will not be able to provide adequate results. The dependent variable for this study would be woman with newborn babies and/or mothers and the independent variable would be effective strategies used. As part of the study participants will be asked to provide a brief background summary that will include, age, work status, marital status, number of births and if they have been pre-diagnosed with any other mental illnesses as this information will be used to determine what strategies where best used by mothers depending on their background. In a 2013, study, it concluded that “clinicians should consider the extent to which stressors occur across different life domains (Liu, & Tronick, 2013),” which means that this survey must cross examination other factors that may contribute to post-partum stress, in order to provide accurate