Many incoming students face these factors that might affect in choosing Hotel and Restaurant Management course from other courses available. Some students choose HRM course because they think that it is easy and a fast way to graduate because some of the mindset of the students are just to graduate and get a job like being a waiter or bartender without thinking that the knowledge that they learned wasn’t put into good use.
On the recent enrollment on COLEGIO DE STA. TERESA DE AVILA students of Hotel and Restaurant Management course gradually increased, this shows that many students are giving interest in the course and because of that, the course is now being recognized as one of the top courses to be taken in the Philippines. One of the benefits of choosing the course is that you can learn about knowing the right managerial skills in handling Hotel and Restaurant and also learning about the different kinds of foods that you can cook. One of the factors in choosing the course is being chosen and going out of the country to train and learn more about the industry that you have chosen. The experience that you gain will be a valuable asset in finding a job or taking up your Master’s Degree. The importance of choosing Hotel and Restaurant Management course as well as any course available is vital and crucial part for a student, as it will be the building blocks for your success in the future. Students need to be more attentive and interested in our course because it will help us be prepared for a job in the future.
The objective of the study is to know the factors that affect in choosing Hotel and Restaurant Course as perceived by the BSHRM students of COLEGIO DE STA. TERESA DE