
factors that led to the American declaration of independence in 1776

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factors that led to the American declaration of independence in 1776
Daesy Castillo
Mr. J. Newport
His 161-1
March 24, 2014
Discuss the factors that led to the American declaration of independence in 1776.
On July 4, 1776, thirteen colonies in the north received her independence from the Great Britain. The American Revolution began as early as 1763 but the thought of being an independent nation began in 1767. Before 1763, the colonist in America praised the British government as John Adams stated, “the [British government was the] most perfect combination of human power in society for the preservation of liberty.” After the seven years war, however, the British were bankrupt and the parliament decided to make interest from the American colonies. This led to many up raises known as the American Revolution. Such up rises include the stamp act, quartering act, declarative act etc. The major impact that influenced the Americans to change their views about Britain to become an independent nation was the Townshend act also known as the revenue act.
The British were in need of funds after the seven years war and thought it was ideal to tax the Americans. The stamp act was an immediate act that followed the sugar act. This act imposed tax on documented paper, newspaper, playing cards and other items to help assist the British army. This act however was not received well in the Americas. Colonist believed that parliament had no right to tax them especially since they had no representation in parliament. The Americans boycotted the British goods and used only products from their land. The British parliament knew that an up roar may be caused by this act so they also sent out the quartering act, where soldiers were sent so that the stamp act may be followed. The stamp act congress were formed and they pleaded to the parliament to repeal the act. The act was repeal but the declaratory act took its place. “Parliament did not admit the contention of the Americans that it was without power to tax them. On the contrary, it

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