
Factors That Led To The Downfall Of Western Roman Empire

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Factors That Led To The Downfall Of Western Roman Empire
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire
The Western Roman Empire had many political problems that led them to their downfall. Many of the emperors of Rome were not good for the empire because they did not know how to rule correctly. Few of the emperors did well for the empire and were not greedy. Most of them did not know how to rule because they just inherited power, even if they hurt the Empire there was no way to replace them, because of this some of the Praetorian Guards assassinated the emperors to take over the position as ruler or to sell it off for money. This started a civil war where everyone wanted power so legions started to fight each other. Another effect of this was the living conditions and high taxes for Citizens so they rebelled against the government. This caused Western Rome to start to it’s downfall.
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Legions started to demand a higher salary or they would not protect Rome. This caused the people of Rome to pay more taxes to the army. People wanted goods from other empires and had to pay high tariffs on imported goods so they lost a lot of money. When Roman Merchants tried to sell goods their ships were looted and they lost money. New land was not being conquered so no gold was found this caused coins to have less gold in them making them not worth as much. Inflation started to happen and prices for items started to go up while the value of the item decreased. Many people didn’t have money because of this and started to barter or exchange one product for another instead of paying for it with money. Famine spread because farming was very bad. Droughts caused farming to decrease and farmers could not make enough money to live on the land so they moved to the city where cities became over populated. The Western Roman Empire endured many difficulties eventually leading to its

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