Chapter I:
Physical Appearance of Argentina, and characters, habits and ideas that it engenders.
The evil that afflicts Argentina is its size: the vast surrounding desert everywhere. To the south and north the wild-lurk the Indians prepared to attack at any time. This insecurity of life in the Argentine character prints some stoic resignation to violent death, explaining the indifference with which the giving and receiving of death.
The inhabited part of the country can be divided into three faces: the dense forest (north), the jungle and the pampas. The Pampa is the image of the sea on earth, waiting to send her to produce.
There are numerous navigable rivers republic, but dislikes the son of the Spanish navigation. Thus, the greatest gift to a people is a dead item, untapped. The fruitful is the only river Plate.
Buenos Aires is called to be one day the gigantic city of the Americas. She alone is in contact with Europe and exploits the advantages of foreign trade. This monopolistic position of Buenos Aires that although Rose does indeed had wanted to follow the federalism would have been impossible, and would have ended up with the system that holds today: the unit. ("We, however, wanted the unity of civilization and freedom, and the unit has given us into barbarism and slavery.") As America is called to be a federation for its wide exposure to the Atlantic, Argentina is set to be unity.
The city is the center of civilization Argentina Spanish, European, but the desert nearby.Man City live a civilized life. In the city are the laws, ideas, progress, education, regular government. The countryside and the city represent two separate companies, two people strangers to each other. The man's campaign to the city hates and hates the educated man.
Argentina shares many features with the Asian plains of the Tigris and Euphrates, and the lives of his men are often similar (Arabs and gauchos).
Argentina dominated the campaign of brutal