Qiang Wang
MGMT 581
October 18, 2014
Jillian H. Gilbert, DSL
This paper addresses the importance of followership and its impact to both ministry and organization. From the study Daniel Chapter 1 to 3, it explains the perspective on how followership affects the leadership. The view of followership in the context of my personal journey with God and the affect the way my view followership in the organization. It also articulates my followership patterns in the organization and how it has impacted my leadership.
Faith and Followership
The definition of followership is varying from the online dictionaries. Dictionary.com defines followership as "the practice of doing what other people suggest, rather than taking the lead." In business dictionary, it expresses followership as "a willingness to accept direction and guidance from leaders in an organization. An employee who practices fellowship recognizes that any effective organization needs both leaders and followers." (Dictionary.com) Followership is a role held by particular individuals in groups, teams, and organizations. In decades, people focus on leadership concepts and its impact to the organization, and forget about leaders needing on followers. A quality followership style is indeed needed in today’s organizations. Robert Kelley (1992) stated "If the United States is faltering now, it is because of a failure of followership more than a failure of leadership." This reminds the importance of the followership.
Followership combined with leadership, and it exists in more than two people group such as sports teams, working office and organizations. It especially plays a significant role in Christianity. Christians must consider how important to be good followers from a biblical perspective. God has made it clear that Christians are here to serve others. Christian must learn not only how to follow God, but also fellow brothers in Christ. The Bible teaches