Ottoman Greece/The Tourkokratia (1453-1832 A.D.)-
From 1453 to 1832 A.D., the Ottoman Empire owned a large amount of the territory we call Greece today- a total of 379 years. Within the early part of this time period, many Greeks looked to Western Europe, many migrating to get away from Ottoman rule. These migrations would also influence the Renaissance, mainly due to the migrants’ contribution to literature, architecture, and culture in the places …show more content…
The people had been drowned in massive taxes. Along with this, the area, which was formerly heavily urbanized, became more and more rural, with some Greeks being forced into subsistence farming from poverty. Even more suffering occurred after 1600, when the Ottomans increased military rule in Greece. This just further destroyed the already crippled and feeble economy in Greece along with faster population decline. As if things couldn’t get worse, the Ottoman nobles’ fiefs became hereditary. These new types of Ottoman nobles reduced the already poor Greek farmers to essentially slavery by serfdom. However, despite all the suffering the Ottomans put the people of Greece through, they did have some