One example is the transition from hospital care to home. Primary care providers should be mindful of how difficult, frightening, and frustrating this transition can be. One thing providers can try to do to help is improve communication between the various providers and systems and between the providers/systems and the family. They can also consider systems change like changes to the pay structures and transition care ("step down") after hospitalization where the hospitalists are still in charge of care. (Hughes, 2014). It’s also important to endorse the family’s expertise and support them in the day to day care of the their child. Possible actions to take to enhance collaboration include designing services around the child and family needs, information exchange with families, establishing parents' contribution to the child's care and their preferred level of involvement, sharing decisions with parents and other professionals, involving parents in diagnosis and treatment decisions, allowing parents to express their opinions, and incorporating the parents' knowledge of their child and care experiences into the care plan …show more content…
Relationships between parents and healthcare providers are strengthened by listening to parent concerns, valuing the parents knowledge of their child, and having good communication about their child's specific health issues (Smith, Swallow, & Coyne, 2015). Family centered rounds improve all these metrics. Healthcare providers should consider using problem-based communication by listening to the family, drawing on their vast expertise on their own child and family, and responding to family concerns (Smith, Swallow, & Coyne, 2015). “Element 4: Cultural diversity of the Family” refers to the important concept of recognizing and honoring cultural diversity, strengths, and individuality within and across