Moore focuses mainly on a 1990’s survey of twelve hundred women and men who held high ranking jobs in elected politics and business, across seventy-seven capitalist democracies. The author was comparing the family norms of other countries to those of the United States, to see the similarities and differences. The results showed, just like in the United States, most of the family responsibilities fell mostly on the women. Women were expected to tend to the children and take care of the house work. Even with men in similar job rankings as the women, women were still expected to tend to the family responsibilities.
However, Moore found that the countries of northern Europe did not follow the norms common to the United States. The northern European countries were open to undefined gender roles. They have “ replaced the male breadwinner model with the dual-earner model” (Moore 389). With the Nordic countries …show more content…
Men are expected to be concerned with their careers and be the breadwinners. This links back to the typical gender stereotyping where women are strictly the caregivers and men are strictly the breadwinners. As discussed previously, in the article the Nordic countries had replaced the breadwinner model with a dual earner model, this shows that even though this links back to the typical gender roles does not mean gender roles can not