Understanding the Impact of Domestic Violence within the Family Structure
Liberty University
This paper attempts to explore the history of domestic violence. Studies show violence within families with children affects the couple involved, but the children as well. Recent research has shown that eighty-five percent of domestic violence victims are women. Research on domestic violence has also revealed that children are affected mentally, emotionally, and socially. Domestic violence can affect the entire family structure and the emotions of each individual. The argument also shows that children not only externalize behavior but internalize their problems. Depression is commonly associated with children from abusive homes. Typically the acts of violence can be passed down from generation to generation. Children from abusive families show more signs of aggression and anger. Study results show counseling, interventions, and treatments have been valuable for moving into a positive direction towards recovery.
Keywords: domestic violence, children, family, violence, emotions, affects, recovery,
Interventions, depression, witness
I. History of Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence (DV) is a physical and emotional act of abuse between married couples and individuals that are in intimate relationships and often called Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), which can also be emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse (Willis, D., 2010). Traditionally, a family structure consisted of a family support system involving a married man and woman, providing for their children, but now includes individuals dating or cohabitating, courtship and gay and lesbian partners. Domestic Violence comes in many
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