Internet affairs are one of the reasons why the family ties have become looser. The growing numbers of people on “mainstream dating sites” were married or in a relationship but posing as singles in order to start an affair. Internet affairs and physical contact affairs are similar because they both involve another partner. Some married people get to know or find their ex-lover and have an affair with them through social networking. When the husband or wife gets to know that their partner have an affair with other people, there the problem occurs in the relationship and family. Cyber-dating sites are at fault for the" rising divorce rates and growth in casual dating.
More hours are spent on Internet or a smartphone instead of socializing with one’s family is another reason for family ties has become looser. Time is a limited commodity, so that the hours spent on the technology must come at a cost to other activities. People take calls while they're out to dinner with their family, text or check e-mail while on a date or busy playing online games through smartphones. Some people refuse to carry out their responsibilities at home or to their family members while busy accessing social websites such as Facebook, Twitter and more which lead to arguments among family members. Some people just like to be attached to gadgets and neglect their family or avoid communicating with family members which cause family ties to become weaker.
Involving in immoral or illegal activities through advanced technology is also reason for family ties to become looser today. Youngsters today