Farmland is a documentary on the lives of six successful young commercial farmers and ranchers. Following the film, Margaret Schlass (featured in the documentary) presents her journey as a first-generation Certified Naturally Grown vegetable farmer and business owner of One Woman Farm in Pennsylvania.
First generation farming is always a big challenge because the price of land and infrastructure costs are very high (equipment, seed, etc.) which is part of the reason why her farm is small scale and local. In just seven years, One Woman Farm is now a 120-member agriculture business as she grows and markets her produce through Community Supported Agriculture membership program, farmers markets, and a partnership with one of the largest group of restaurant owners in her area. This is …show more content…
“It is a business and must be run like a business, but there is a lot more that goes into it – the deep love and commitment that farmers and ranchers have to their land and their animals.” One farmer stated. Often times people underestimate the challenges of farming. One reason is that you have to buy seeds a year in advance and that is without knowing the price you will receive for the product. Farmers have good years, but must save for the bad years because they will happen too. According to, the official website for Schlass’s farm (OWF), One Woman Farm cultivates 18+ acres and produces over 50 varieties of vegetables for its community of customers in the Greater Pittsburgh area. Just as we have choices as consumers, farmers also have choices for seed. They consider the soil and the characteristics of the soil, growing season, and consumer wants. We can conclude that Margaret Schlass has a strong passion for farming as she chose this kind of life path although it is emotionally and physically