Angelique Demont
Harm Grobbelaar
19 March 2012
I have read and understand the information on plagiarism outlined by the Writing Centre. I have given in-text references (for example: Jones, 2006) for all quotations (whether direct quotations, paraphrasing or summaries) and all ideas I have borrowed from others. Where I have used exact words of others (direct quotations), I have indicated this by using quotation marks. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to plagiarise my work. I understand that the NMMU will not tolerate plagiarism and that I may not be awarded a mark for an assignment in which plagiarism is evident. Signed: Date: 19 March 2012
1. Introduction 1
2. Definition of Fixed Capital 1
3. Definition of Labour Intensive 1
4. Production Process 1 Pre-production Operations 1 Grading 2 Cut Order Planning and Marker Making 2 Laying/Spreading 2
5. Other Production Processes 3
6. Niche Market 3
7. Conclusion 3
Reference List 5
“The fashion business is labour intensive but does not require much fixed capital.”
This essay aims to explore the validity of the above statement. Further more, it will define certain terms such as fixed capital and labour intensive in order to ascertain the exact meaning of the statement. Once the statement has been defined then this essay will explore the facts regarding the production process as well as identify what a niche market is in order to prove the above statement as valid.
Definition of Fixed Capital
Investopedia defines fixed capital (2012: ¶1) as the capital investments or assets that are used to start and conduct a business. Investopedia