1.1 Introduction:
a) Introduction to topic: Fast food is food, which is prepared and served quickly at outlets called fast-food restaurants. A restaurant is an establishment that serves prepared food and beverages on tables set for individuals, pairs or larger groups, to be consumed primarily on the premises. Restaurants serve a wide variety of food at a specified cost given on its menu card for on or off the premises consumption. These includes eating establishments where customers are served at walkup or drive away ordering counters for either on or off premises consumption. However, most good restaurant serves food at tables to their customers for on-premises consumption. Many of the restaurant chains, have enhanced their annual sales many times over, well beyond the limits of the tablets they can server each day, by offering hot well packed meals through free home delivery service on orders placed through a telephone call. It is a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow rapidly in many countries. A fast-food restaurant is a restaurant characterized both by food which is supplied quickly after ordering, and by minimal service. The food in these restaurants is often cooked in bulk in advance and kept warm, or reheated to order. Many fast-food restaurants are part of restaurant chains or franchise operations, and standardized foodstuffs are shipped to each restaurant from central locations. In today’s world, going to a restaurant has more to do with socializing then to just having a meal. Only a few decades back restaurants were specifically targeting families, which situation does not hold true today. Nowadays, even children, regularly eat out with their friends, on their own. Therefore, restaurants are not just about food of ambience. On a macro level, they are an important contributor to the economy while on personal levels it provides us with a place to easily connect with others.
b) The Fast Food Industry