1. Introduction
This research is based on the question “FDI in retail: Is India ready?” The scope of the research includes finding the effect of allowing FDI in multi-brand retail on local retailers, consumers and to an extent the farmers or agriculturalists. The literature used for the research includes 4 research papers and 3 articles related to the subject. The research papers cover various issues including the strategic implications of the government’s decision to allow FDI in multi-brand retail and states some pre-requisites for its execution.
The main advantages seen are job creation for rural India and greater efficiency and investment in back-end supply chain, cold storage and related infrastructure. Another advantage is stated by farmer bodies where they point out that allowing FDI in retail with a certain framework in place will help farmers with a fixed purchase of their produce at best prices. Middlemen will be eliminated and the farmers will be able to deal directly with the retailer. Such exposure may also open up the international market for Indian farmers.
The questionnaire used for the research purpose aims to gather data about the opinion on FDI in retail and the role it plays in the development of the country. It tries to gauge the opinion of the respondents regarding the effect on consumers and local retailers. The aim of this survey is to make a comparison between the aspects of the consumer and the local retailer and what benefit they would
References: Publication date: May 17, 2009 Publisher: Living Media India, Limited Date: Dec 1, 2011. Date: Dec 16, 2011.