The name of the business came upon the proposal of the researchers to engage in vending machine service industry. Each researcher reasoned out their own choice to defend whether it is proper in a service industry in vending machines selling over the counter medicines and after a thorough discussion and a quick online survey, the researchers named the project “MedEx® Vending Machine Company”. The MedEx® Company renders service in pharmaceutical companies, selling their products by the aid of vending machines.
Our service will be called “MedEx®” (Medicine Express). MedEx® sells Over-the-counter medicines and other products like first aid kits and contraceptives through vending machines. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are those available without a prescription. OTC drugs enable people to relieve many annoying symptoms and to cure some diseases simply and without the cost of seeing a doctor. However, safe use of these drugs requires knowledge, common sense, and responsibility.
“MedEx®” vending machines provide customers with the OTC medicine they need almost instantly, that people may consider it as a very much reliable choice.
“MedEx®” will be selling OTC medicines such as, Paracetamol, Pain Reliever or Mefenamic Acid, Loperamide, Anti-Histamine, and Dimenhydrinate.
MedEx® not just offer over the counter medicines but also include selling selected first aid tools that people usually seek in times of minor accident. The included First aid tools that we sell are those that people usually seek or use, such as: band aid, cotton, and alcohol.
The project will be held by 4 friends who jointly worked on this feasibility study. The proponents of the enterprise decided to form a limited partnership type of business. All partners – both general and limited – must enter into limited partnership by either oral or written agreement. In making decisions, each of the two general partners has an equal right to participate in the management and control of the