The folk behind the Federalist movement included farmers on the frontier, businessmen near navigable water or involved in interstate trade, minorities whose rights were unprotected by the states, and slaveholders who realized the benefits of the Three Fifths Clause. Furthermore, many of the important faces of the American Revolution, including George Washington and Ben Franklin, were Federalists and helped sway a public that held them up to be godly figures of early republic. Madison’s anonymous papers such as Federalist 10 helped the party to dominate a Federalist-friendly press and have their ideas spread throughout the country. In Federalist 10, Madison turns a what Antifederalists view as negative aspect of the Constitution, a consolidated government over an immense land, and turns it into a remarkable bonus that avoids any faction getting an upper hand. Madison considers that men of a majority will oppress the minority if “the impulse and opportunity coincide” and that “neither moral nor religious motives can be relied on as an adequate control” to these urges. Therefore, a government that is divided up into many factions can have no one ruling majority and in turn, no group will predominantly sway to oppress a minority. Madison then continues on to say how a “pure democracy” of a small number of citizens can “admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction” because on such a small scale, nearly everyone, besides the minority, will belong to the same faction and in turn, the majority. To combat the problems of a strong majority, Madison argues that the elected officials will “discern the true interest of their country” and will avoid the temptation to succumb to the needs of “temporary or partial considerations.” Madison worked to find a balance in the number of representatives…