We first bow our heads before Allah Almighty who bestowed His countless blessings upon us, guided us towards the way of success, blessed us with courage of facing problems and obstacles; enable us to accomplish this project work.
All thanks to Allah Almighty, the most Beneficent and Gracious who enabled us to complete this project.
We found no words to say thanks to our families for their cooperation and support.
We wish to place our deep sense of thanks to MR.MUHAMMAD ABID AWAN who guided us to complete this project in its true sense. His valuable experience and knowledge of the field removed the difficult at all crucial junctures.
Consumer Buying Attitudes toward Counterfeits: Factors Motivating the Buying Behavior
Zahid Iftikhar, Anam Munir, Jannat Arif Butt
The purpose of this article is to know the factors that motivate the customers to buy local cosmetic products. The authors made the conceptual framework and a questionnaire was adopted to know the consumers buying behavior to buy local cosmetic products with respect to purchase intention. Questionnaire was adopted from different articles. This data is based on 150 respondents. The respondents were selected from five different cities of Pakistan. Although that the demographic impacts was studied. This research is conducted to know the consumer’s knowingly buying attitude of the local cosmetic products. This paper will help the marketers to know that, what are the trends and why people buy local cosmetic products and when? How people feel by buying the local cosmetic products? The result inferred has significant academic and managerial implication. Attitude towards purchasing enhances purchase intention and purchase intention impacts on the buying behavior. Attitude is also impacted by the product price, product quality,