There are gender differences in criminal behavior solely based up genetic makeup. Gottfedson and Hirschi’s theory provides two facts that make me believe that males are more criminogenic than females. First, as stated in the theory, females are less likely to commit crime because they have higher levels of self control. Second, parents tend to be more vigilant in monitoring girls than boys parents are likely to be more consistent in the application of parental management with girls than boys. Both of these factors I find to be extremely true, especially when dealing with self control. In general, males have more testosterone than females and are more likely to let their emotions get the best of them. When talking about crime I could see how…
Abbott notes the importance of integrating theory and practice by asserting that professional expert knowledge, discretion and judgement rest at the interface between the work or tasks involved and the skill achieved through on-the-job training and practice and the abstract knowledge or theory that underpin this (Abbott 1988). This assignment will focus on a specific case (MS) that I have supervised during my traineeship and I will demonstrate my ability to assess, supervise, plan, intervene, review and evaluate a case by following the ASPIRE model of case management (Home Office 2005). MSs offence of theft was of an acquisitive nature, he stole a pair of trainers to sell on in order to fund his alcohol misuse. MS was sentenced at Rotherham Magistrates Court, for an offence of theft and was made subject to a twelve month Community Order under the Criminal Justice Act 2003. The following two requirements were imposed MS must attend Supervision to address his offending behaviour and an Alcohol Treatment Requirement to address his alcohol misuse. The reasons given behind this were that such a sentence would allow him to work with a Probation Officer in respect of the rehabilitation element. This proposal fits neatly with the anti-custody values of the Probation Service whose underlying concern is to deal with offenders in constructive ways which do not damage or degrade them. This is also related to other probation values of client self-determination and potential for change (Williams B 1995). Probation Orders are seen as punishments in themselves. Wasik and Taylor assert that the Criminal Justice Act 1991 introduced the Probation Order as a sentence of the court in its own right (Wasik and Taylor 1991 Pg48). Dunbar and Langdon argue that this Act was passed at a time when a major aim or criminal justice policy was to reduce prison numbers and ensure that sentences and the public saw community sentences as a viable option (Dunbar and Langdon 1998 Pg74). The…
Cited: Ruffolo, Mary C., Sarri, Rosemary., Goodkind, Sara.. "Study of delinquent, diverted, and high-risk adolescent girls: Implications for mental health intervention." Social Work Research 4(2004):237. eLibrary. Web. 29 Jul. 2012.…
The Drug War Facts website is a great statistical resource. The information presented on the site is complied from several criminal and federal justice statistic websites and organized in a concise format. I felt that the information was accurate and reliable as all statistics were cited from a credible, and in most cases, government web resource.…
Spjeldnes, S., Jung, H., & Yamatani, H. (2014). Gender Differences in Jail Populations: Factors to Consider in Reentry Strategies. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 53(2), 75-94. doi:10.1080/10509674.2013.868387…
The “aging out process” means that crimes that are being committed by young adults and adolescents tend to reduce or diminish their criminal activity as they get older. Possibly, this is because when an individual grows older they tend to become more mature than when they were younger and they want to take reasonability of their actions and also want to choose a better path than they did before. Hence is why most criminals as they get older the individuals choose to stop or reduce their criminal behavior.…
In contemporary society women still commit less crimes than men but their impute to crime statistics therefore their crime committal has risen dramatically compared to where is was and steadily stayed for many years. Society and male sociologists have developed different theories and views over the years for coping with female criminal behaviour. In the 16th Century there was the demonic theory, the idea of women who commit crime or act in deviant ways as being ‘evil’ or ‘witches’ resulting in wide spread witch hunts and burnings at the steak. (Vito & Maahas, 2011). This can be seen in modern day society when female criminals are portrayed in the media. This theory links with the naturalist view of women by society; the idea that women are seen as natural care givers, mothers and nurturers and any other type of behaviour is ‘unnatural’ and feared by the greater society. Lombroso (1876) created the 'mad or bad' theory to categorise female crime, suggesting the reasoning and logic behind female deviance could only be explained as them being mentally unhinged or fundamentally bad natured and of an 'evil' disposition. This perception that women may be mad because they dared to go against their natural biological givens such as 'passivity' and a 'weakness of compliance' appears to originate from…
* There are many views and theories as to if and how gender affects delinquency. One of the major theories is the gender-schema theory which basically states that society influences create girls feminine and boys masculine and that they are expected to adhere to those gender roles. Others theorize that differences are based on traits and that it is the “interaction of biological and psychological traits with the social environment that produces delinquency” (Siegel & Welsh, p. 142). Much of this has to do with child development. Other theorists believe social factors such as family life and friendships play a major role in criminal behavior. The feminists hold that crime rates have fluctuated because of the increased role women have in today’s society .Another contributor to the debate is the power-control theory which attests that women commit less crime because men have a role as the breadwinner for the family.…
The author took into account the differing patterns of crimes in the context of gender and considered empirical studies in this regard. The author began by explaining that there are two ways of recording statistics about crime. One is to take into account the government statistics which are by no means conclusive. Second is to conduct the statistical analysis of victims as per the category of crimes that took place against them. He observed that the latter has recorded the crime rate four times higher than the one recorded by the governmental reports. The difference arises because the government records the statistics as per offenders whereas the victims statistics identify the victims of the crimes.…
Women entering the correction system rather they are pre-trail detainee or sentenced inmates are there for the most common offence such as drug-related offence, property offence, violent offence, and public order offence in both prison and jail (Greenfeld and Snell, 1999). These incarcerated women pose no violent threat to the general public. These women come from disadvantaged backgrounds and faces economic and social problems with only a high school diploma if that, have a child(ren) and not married, low income or poverty statues, they live an unhealthy life style and most likely addicted to alcohol and/or drugs ( Bergh, Gather, Fraser, and Moller, 2011). When comparing men and women prisoner women are less likely to…
“The female prison population in the United States continues to grow at an alarming rate. Specifically, from 2000 through 2009, the number of women incarcerated in state or federal prisons rose by 21.6 percent, compared to just a 15.6 percent increase for men” (Ajinkya. 2013. Pg. 1). While most prisons have almost triple the amount of males then they do females, the rising numbers of women being incarcerated causes major problems not just for the women themselves but also for their families and the people that count on them the most. With every female that gets incarcerated comes new issues that correctional facilities have to provide answers for. This paper will discuss not only why women need some of…
More than 2 million juveniles are arrested each year with nearly 600,000 entering into juvenile incarceration. (Kapp, Petr, Robbins, & Choi, 2013) There has been a steady increase of youthful female offenders. From the early nineties up until about 2006, simple assault crimes have decreased “4% for male juveniles and it increased 19% for females” (Espinosa, Sorensen, & Lopez, 2013). “25 to 50 percent of antisocial girls commit crimes as adults (Pajer, 1998)”. "Similar risk factors may play a role in both girls' and boys' delinquency. Gender differences in underlying biological functions, psychological traits and social interpretation can result in different types and rates of delinquent behaviors for girls and boys (Moffitt,…
Previous to the emergence of feminist theories in the 1960’s and 70’s the criminal justice system and studies surrounding it were developed under the assumption that males were the predominate perpetrators and victims of crime- particularly in cases regarding interpersonal violence. Whilst this was and still is true, the number of women being involved in interpersonal crimes is increasing, causing a new wave of interest as to what circumstances a woman finds herself involved in a criminal situation; hence the emergence of feminist theory. Whilst this theory does not aim to dismiss the majority (males) in this form of crime, it acts to elevate the minority (females) so as they can be recognised by the criminal justice system and have their cases…
Do we as a society have the right to deny a mother the opportunity to care for her child, even if that mother is a convicted felon? As society continues to grow and change these are important questions to ask. According to statistics today, “Female incarceration is growing at a rate far outpacing the growth in male incarceration” (Schubert, Duininck, and Shlafer 2016). With the emergence of a more prominent female prisoner population there are different factors to consider. Including the fact that it is still expected, based on gender roles and dynamics for mothers to be the primary caregivers of their children (Schubert et al. 2016). Keeping this in mind, there is a need for female prisoners with children to have options to interact with…
Historically in America there has been an evident paternalistic social hierarchy; man is more powerful than woman. Typically this would mean that man is preferentially treated over woman, and in many social categories this is the case. However, when analyzing incarceration rates and the gender distribution of incarceration rates, there is an obvious discrepancy. Spanning the width of any historical timeline, the rates at which men are sentenced to imprisonment far exceed those of women. While it can be argued that man is generally responsible for the majority of crimes historically committed, when strictly comparing the incarceration rates of men and women charged for the same crime, it is undeniable that men are incarcerated at higher rates…