Feminists have come up with the relations of family and the marginalisation of women. And there are many stories in novel and movies that showed the struggles of women as a wife and a mother. Mitr, My Friend is a movie like that, where it highlights the identity crisis of a woman as a wife and as a mother. When I saw the movie I found that even though the women crew highlights the struggles a sense of heteropatriarchy is established in the movie which again makes a women nothing but access to men.
Feminists are also critical of the family. The feminists' contribution to the study of families is of considerable importance. They have had a greater influence on the analysis of the family than any other theoretical approach. There are two types of feminists, Marxist relations between men and women within marriage are conditioned by economic forces outside it. A male dominated society is known as a patriarchy. The Marxist feminist sees patriarchy as arising out of capitalism. Such feminists see the production of labour power as the way in which capitalism exploits women. According to Margaret Benston "The amount of unpaid labour performed by women is very large and very profitable to those who own the means of production." The existence of the family also acts against the development of revolutionary consciousness: "As an economic unit, the nuclear family is a valuable stabilizing force in capitalist society. Since the production which is done in the home is paid for by the husband-father's earnings, his ability to withhold labour from the market is much reduced." The family produces and maintains the labour force, and at minimal cost to the employer. Wives also supply emotional support to their husbands, helping them to unwind from the frustration created by their exploitation in the work-place. Kathy McAfee and Myrna Wood argue that "The petty dictatorship which most men exercise over their wives and families enables them to vent