1. organic agriculture – The return to farming without pesticides; allows small farmers in core countries to compete with agribusiness. When fair trade laws are applied, organic farming in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries can bring wealth into a country by exporting to wealthier nations.…
I. Introduction: Thesis Statement: People should consume organic foods because they have More nutritious, No pesticides are used on them, No hormones or antibiotics are used in their production…
Organic can be defined as “any crop or animal product produced without the use of pesticides, man-made fertilizers, additives or growth regulators” (Griswold). However, no food can ever be guaranteed 100% organic. This is because chemicals may be in the soil from previous use of the land, contamination can happen at any stage of transportation, and chemicals can blow over from neighboring farms also contaminating the “organic” crop (Griswold). Going organic as a farmer reduces the effect the farm has on the environment. Not using the fertilizers or pesticides eliminates the pollution of land and water.…
Organic farming had not played a role in the market in the previous years, yet today it is common in grocery stores around the country. Organic farming refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming is also constantly referred to as healthy, smart, beneficial, and ecofriendly but these are words used in advertisement ploys ran by large organic corporations. For centuries organic farming had been practiced, however, conventional technology has allowed us to further our reaches. Conventional Synthetic fertilizers along with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are all in the lime light today for the job they’ve been performing for years, they’ve allowed us to grow more and faster for our ever growing population. In studying conventional versus organic farming we find out which method is the most efficient, by analyzing modern marketing ploys, yield rates and agricultural sprays.…
Organic vegetables, also referred to as organics, is vegetables grown under a production system that, in addition to the avoidance of synthetic chemicals, also promotes soil health, biodiversity, low stress treatment of animals and sound environmental practices.…
Organic farming can be defined by the proactive, ecological management strategies that maintain and enhance soil fertility, prevent soil erosion, promote and enhance biological diversity, and minimize risk to human and animal health and natural resources.…
How is organic farming different from conventional farming? Organic Farming applies natural fertilizers such as manure to feed soil and plants. Crops are rotated, and farmers hand weed or mulch, to manage weeds. They give their animals a balanced organic diet and clean housing to minimize disease. Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth and herbicides to manage weeds. The farmers give their animals antibiotics and medicines to prevent disease. Some people buy organic food to limit their exposure to these chemicals.…
Agriculture is one of the most crucial necessities all around the world. The amount of food grown and sold affects the resources that are used in production. To sustain life you need food but most people are blinded to what actually happens in all the stages of growth. With technology advancing the way it is it has become hard to trust your food and its purity and cleanliness. People don’t get deep into where all their food comes from. It starts from the farms. Depending on what type of farm you visit, you will see different things. Most farms are using fertilizer or other additives in their agriculture but there are also farms that are completely natural and organic. Depending on your beliefs, you may think organic is better than industrial and vise versa. Each has its own pros and cons. The use of organic practices in food and livestock has a positive long term effect on the earth and its environment.…
Conventional farming and organic farming vary in many different ways. Conventional farmers use chemical herbicides to destroy weeds. However, organic farmers use mulch, rotate crops, or hand pick the weeds (Pitts). To grow their crops, conventional farmers use every acre of their farm land; but, for the health of the soil, organic farmers rotate their crops (Alvarez). Instead of using pesticides or insecticides, organic farmers use helpful birds, insects, and organic fungicides to decrease disease and pests. Organic fungicides such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, and Trichoderma harzianum are effectively used to prevent diseases that affect the roots (Murray). Conventional farmers use pesticides to protect the crops from disease, mold, and insects. Chemical fertilizers are used in conventional farming to help increase plant growth. Conventional farming permits farmers to apply the precise amount of fertilizer needed to prevent waste pollutants (“Organic Foods”). “Without chemicals, agriculture…
The organic farming market is a worldwide growing business. Companies who are willing to become certified in organic farming can make sustainable profit. Organic farming has been growing in the numbers during the last couple of years and it is predicted that organic market will grow even higher to 9 percent (Haumann 2011). Since organic food is on the raise there is a shortage of organic products. In an…
Organic crops must be grown in safe soil, have no modifications, and must remain separate from conventional products. Farmers are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. Organic livestock must have access to the outdoors and be given organic feed. They may not be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or any animal-by-products. (Paul)…
In spite of the increasing popularity of Organic food these days, most of the people do not have a clear idea regarding the definition of organic food. In simple words, Organic foods are those foods that are produced, processed and packaged without using chemicals. They have been accepted due to their perceived health benefits over conventional food. The organic industry is growing rapidly and has caught the attention of farmers, manufacturers and, above all, consumers. Some of the popular organic food items include organic tea, organic coffee, organic wine, organic meat, organic beef, organic milk, organic honey, organic vegetables, organic fruits, organic rice, organic corn, organic herbs, organic essential oils, organic coconut oil and organic olive oil.…
Usually defined as the use of organic and biodegradable materials to give plants the nutrients they need, organic farming proved to be the safest and most effective method of increasing and sustaining yield. Various methods fall under organic farming, such as composting, green manuring, legume inoculating, and utilizing animal manure as fertilizers.…
From produce to meats, food that isn’t organic is usually filled with pesticides, harmful chemicals and drugs. When fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested, they are sprayed over and over with all types of sprays to keep bugs off, the weeds out, and to help them grow. According to the article “Organic is Good for the Environment”, in the 1950’s farmers begin using chemicals and pesticides on their crops. As the bugs and weeds became immune to the pesticides, the farmers had to use stronger and stronger pesticides. Although the farmers think that they are keeping the harmful bugs out, in reality, the same amount of crops are destroyed as before pesticides started being use. The farmers that grow organically don’t use these pesticides. They realize that if something can kill bugs and weeds, it isn’t healthy to put it into the body.…
Also, another advantage of organic farming is it reduces the signs of global warming. Since organic farming refrains the utilization of pesticides and artificial fertilizers which contains hazardous chemicals, it prevents the widely spread of CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons, which is the number one cause of global warming. Organic farming also maintains the quality of the soil used in planting, while the usage of artificial fertilizers and pesticides can lead to the alteration of the quality of the soil. The company finds that organic farming is a good way of preserving the beauty of our nature.…