And workshops.The manor system conveys the economic side of feudalism. It was a basic economic arrangement that was based on a set of rights and obligations between a lord and his serfs. The lord supplies serfs with housing,farmland ,and protection .In exchange, serfs tended the lords' lands, protected his animals, paid rent, and accomplished many tasks to maintain the manor.
Peasant women worked on the farm with their husbands. All peasants,liberate or serf, were obligated to fulfil specific duties to the lord- including a day of labor weekly and a certain quantity of their grain.
Serfs hardly traveled more than 25 miles from their manor and they produced all the necessities they and their lord needed for daily life. A manor had the lord's manor house, where the lord,his family, and their servants lived, a church which was a place for religious services and public meetings, and several workshops. Approximately 15-30 families lived in the village at the manor that was surrounded by pastures,fields, and woodlands. Streams and ponds that occasionally ran through the manor provided fish and were crucial sources of food. The stream also had a mill used for grinding