You're Not Alone!
Everyone struggles with stayingmotivated and reaching theirgoals. Just look at how manypeople go on diets, lose weight,and then gain it back again!
The reality is that refocusing,changing, or making a new starton something, no matter howsmall, is a big deal. But it's notimpossible. With the rightapproach, you can definitely doit.
Getting Motivated
So how do you stay motivatedand on track with your goal? Itall comes down to goodplanning, realistic expectations,and a stick-to-it attitude.Here's what you need to do:
First, know your goal. Start bywriting down your major goal.Your major goal is the ultimatething you'd like to see happen.For example, "I want to makehonor roll," or "I want to get fitenough to make the cross-country team," or even, "I want to playin the Olympics" are all major goals because they're the final thingthe goal setter wants to see happen (obviously, some goals takelonger and require more work than others). It's OK to dream big.That's how people accomplish stuff. You just have to rememberthat the bigger the goal, the more work it takes to get there.
Make it specific. It's easier toplan for and master a specificgoal than a vague one. Let's sayyour goal is to get fit. That'spretty vague. Make it specific bydefining what you want toachieve (such as muscle toneand definition or endurance),why you want to get fit, and bywhen. This helps you make a plan to reach your