This is the most rewarding phase of the goal setting process. You were able to achieve goals that meant a lot to you and the benefits are being reaped right now. Spend some time thinking or perhaps journaling about what has changed in your life. Ask yourself some pivotal questions:
Am I experiencing the benefits I thought would come at this point in the goal setting process?
Is this where I want to be in this aspect of my life, or do I need to continue further with the goal setting process?
Chances are high that you aren't where you ultimately want to be and the goal setting process will need to …show more content…
Look through your list of possible goals and see what has changed. Are there things on that list that would still make it onto your brainstorming list today? What new things would you add? Do some of the things you originally thought would take years to accomplish suddenly seem more doable for the near future?
You want to go through the goal setting process again and set new goals to work toward, but you also need to celebrate your success. Never accomplish goals without giving yourself the celebration and praise you deserve!
Think carefully about what your new celebration should include. You never want to reward yourself with something that will take you back into old habits or undo part of the progress you have made.
For instance, if you have met a substantial weight loss goal you would never want to celebrate achieving that goal by going out for pizza and beer. You would be much better off treating yourself to a day at the spa where you could appreciate your new body rather than sabotaging it. Purchasing new clothing would be another great way to celebrate that