Fibers and Fabrics
FibersFibers and fabrics play a large role in everyday recreation applications. A fiber is a hair-like strand of material. “They are the smallest visible unit of a fabric and are denoted by being extremely long in relation to their width. Synthetic fibers are man made from chemicals. They are generally based on polymers and are stronger than natural and regenerated fibers. Synthetic fibers are the result of extensive research by scientists to improve on naturally occurring animal and plant fibers” (NSP). In its physical form synthetic fibers are widely available and encouraged for many outdoor recreation activities. Obtaining the skills and knowledge required to purchase the appropriate synthetic garments are easily obtainable with basic research. Knowledge of the types of synthetic fibers that are available along with your fitness level, your body type, and the activity you’ll be doing and where you’ll be doing it are all variables to consider. Building your knowledge base and weighing your options can mean the difference between life and death in some instances, particularly in the backcountry.
Synthetic fibers have many functions and uses in the areas of recreation. I think one of the largest areas of recreation it has affected is in winter sports and activities. For skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, winter running, ice climbing, mountain climbing, or any other outdoor pursuit, the goal is to stay warm and dry. The best way to do this is by dressing in multiple, lightweight layers. A layering system usually includes three components: an inner moisture layer; a middle insulating layer; and an outer shell layer. By having synthetic garments that are lightweight and compressible; if you need to shed a pullover, for instance, it should easily fit into your backpack. By using high-quality synthetic fabrics that are breathable you will be able to adapt to changes in the weather and they will be useful for a variety of activities.
Synthetic fibers are