Filipino workers are moving out of their homeland to work overseas so they could get
higher income and sustain the needs of the family. Despite the branding and labelling battle cry
of our agencies in country to OFWs as the “bagong bayani”, these people are encountering much
bigger problems such as family issues, relationship gap between their children and prolonged
separation that leads to infidelity and other problems regarding their family.
Overseas Filipino Workers have a positive influence to our economy. The remittances
they send to their family strengthens our economy.
But on the other hand, working abroad means being separated to their family and being
separated from their family creates gap. Despite the benefits like higher income,
things and other stuffs, Filipinos must be discouraged from working abroad because of the
negative major effects it could bring to their children. This gap may result to certain and even
numerous misunderstanding within the families.
Moving out of the country to work is dangerous for they will never know their luck.
OFWs may encounter certain circumstances where they can be maltreated. Some
sexual harassment and rape.
These Filipinos are more likely to have problems with their children through their
absence and lack of care and love for them. Being separated from their family for work may also
result to having intact emotional support and commitment but no physical intimacy which is very
important. Through their absence and lack of care and love for them, children might rebel and
have a relationship gap between them.
They can even long for fellowship company and because they are all alone dealing with
different people in different races. The sadness they feel being away from the persons they love
and care the most is the main problem of these Filipinos.
Extreme awkwardness between the parent and children every time they are on the same
roof. Hard feelings are common problems among overseas Filipino worker families. Due of their
absence and being away from their families left in the Philippines, hard feeling between them
and their children is one of the biggest problems they face. Extreme awkwardness betweem their
children arises every time their on the same roof. Children preferred to be with their friends
where they feel comfortable and happy rather than worth their parents.
Prolonged separation destroys a family. Infidelity to each other is also an effect of
prolonged separation can lead to separation.
Depite the positive effect of the Filipino overseas in our economy, it must be still
discouraged for Filipino parents to work overseas because the profit that they earn abroad isn’t
worth it if their family shambles because of the prolonged separation. The government must
provide more job opportunities for Filipinos to avoid moving out of their homeland.