The movie Boys Don’t Cry was directed by female filmmaker Kimberly Piercy. Kimberly based on a real story of Teena Brandon who was a homosexual person. Teena is a girl but she acted and dressed herself like a boy. She hid her secret to everyone whom she met and made friends with. That was why when her male friends figured out the truth, they felt that Teena betrayed them. As a result, they violated Teena and later they were the reason that led to Teena’s death. This movie contained violent scenes at the end of the movie such as fighting, raping and shooting. Actually, I don’t like to watch violent movie; however, especially after watching this movie, I have the second thought regarding homosexual people. …show more content…
Teena loved and wanted to date with girls but her appearance and body did not allow to. However, she did try herself to be like an actual man and had authority to meet up with girls. I have found in an online article “Boys Don’t Cry filmmaker saw past violence to love” regarding why Kimberly chose Teena’s story. As information stated by Jamie Allen, Boys Don’t Cry filmmaker saw past violence to love, “Peirce read about this story and saw through the "Jerry Springer Show"-type coverage that followed. She saw a person who dared to be different, who dared to chase her inner voice -- and was gunned down because of it.” Nowadays, if a person is homosexual, it’s easy for him/her to disclose in public. Despite today, Teena was doing a unique thing that she was not supposed to do. Pretending as a nature boy, Teena lost her life when she was 20 years old. Director Kimberly was so curious about Teena’s life, that was why Kimberly inquired into Teena’s life to get more ideas and details before she made this movie. Jamie also states the process how Kimberly found more elaboration for the movie. Jamie writes, “Peirce was so moved that she knew she had to tell the story on film. So she went to Falls City to research. She went to the farmhouse, sat in the room in which Brandon was executed along with two witnesses. She interviewed people who knew her, hung out at the convenience store where Brandon hung out. She attended the trials of the two men later convicted in Brandon 's killing”. I wondered why director Kimberly really interested in Teena’s life. I think Kimberly deplored for Teena that she died so young. It was a sad story for Teena