In her article, Mary Grabar, author of “Boyz n the Book”. The article begins to explain the enrollment into a college by gender, as told by Department of Education, they recorded in 2005 the total fall enrollment made up to be 57 percent and knowing that gender discrepancies will increase in further dates. Grabar explains how women tend to excel in an English career and men typically in a mathematical, engineering career. To support, the article says that boys in high school fall lower in a reading test score than girls, but that’s justifying that the girls read every day rather than once a week. The article, “Boyz n the Book” emphasizes that males in schools tend to care more about what they want to read or what is more exciting to them and maybe what they would rather do instead of focus on an academic acceptance.…
“Boys will be boys,” a commonplace phrase that constitutes a diffusion of responsibility away from the male perpetrators of aggressive attitudes and behaviors, supports a dangerous rhetoric that a young male transitioning into adulthood will perform acts of aggression, display a detached and uncaring disposition, and develop attitudes of intense homophobia and sexism as part of a biological norm of that stage of adolescence, a stage of life comprising a larger and larger part of young man’s life, ages 16-29. Kimmel challenges this rhetoric, arguing that there is an underlying culture of entitlement (as the gaining of equality by other groups such as women and minorities are perceived as a threat to privileges that the white man “deserves,” a zero-sum game of status) that is supported by a culture of silence (of refusing to bear witness to other men’s transgressions, which is perceived as support) and a culture of protection (in which communities shield “their” guys from the harsh implications and accountability) which allows these behaviors and attitudes to persist. Kimmel argues that…
The independent variable of this study would be the boys and the dependent variable would be have to be investigates; as this would make this study a fair experiment. The method does not say how long it took to do this study; however it does say how many participants there was. The aim supports the results as we have found out in the results boys who do not have a father figure present during childhood are more likely to develop a problem with their gender identity. Though this study does not explain why children brought up in one- parent families, without a strong same-sex role model, do not have any difficulty developing their gender. It also does not explain why two children of the same sex brought up in the same home with the same role models can behave differently. For example, two brothers could be brought up in the same house and have the same group of friends but one could be more masculine in his behaviour than the other.…
In the article “Boys Will Be Boys”, Barbara Kantrowitz and Claudia Kalb, the authors introduced boys are different from girls by a story at the start, and then describe that boys and girls really come from two completely different “planets”, and give some statistics to back this up. Boys and girls have two different “crisis points”, which are stages of emotional and social development, where things can go seriously wrong. Kantrowitz and Kalb both think that boys aren’t get enough attention as girls and boys should needed more help because they are the ones who are more likely to have discipline problems at school and more likely to commit violent crimes and end up in jail. The following, Kantrowitz and Kalb use many interesting stories and statistics, to help the reader understand the difference between boys and girls, like embryonic stage and infants. Later on in the article, another big difference that is pointed out by the authors is that boys and girls develop physically and intellectually at a very different rates. The authors think that parent is vital in the boys growing up. Because parents can do many things to teach their children like call a family meeting, specifically with boys. In the last of the article, Kantrowitz and Kalb wish the parents of boys should go with the flow, and get the conclusion “Boys will be boys. And we have to let them”.…
Masculinity and femininity are traits defined when you are at a young age; this is when…
Gender refers to the social, psychology and behavioural aspects of being male or female. In other words, masculinity or femininity, however this is different from Sex, which is the biological fact of being male or female. This is normally identified by chromosomes and genitalia. The hundred of genes we have in our 23 pairs of chromosomes carry information about our physical and behavioural characteristics. The sex chromosomes are thought to determine biological sex. There is usually a direct link between chromosomal sex and external genitalia and the internal genitalia.…
In an article called Malibu Local’s Only: “Boys will be Boys”, Brian Ludeke successfully argues how MLO qualifies as gang explaining multiple factors as to why it should be established as a criminal street gang. The California Penal Code 186.22, defines a criminal street gang as, “an ongoing organization of 3 or more persons, with a common name, or identifying mark or symbol, having as one of its primary activities the commission of the crimes listed and whose members individually or collectively engage in criminal activity (Trial Brief, 2006). MLO possesses many of the elements listed within the document that constitutes gang activity such as its organization, common name, primary purpose, pattern of gang activity, crimes, and membership…
There are numerous influences that contribute to one’s gender identity. The way in which a person is raised, or nurture that one receives as a child can aid in the formation of gender identity. Parents typically vision their offspring as male or female, and as the boy or girl ages they tend to assume one or the other; masculine or feminine traits. Another possible important factor in the determination of gender identity is culture and the society in which one is a part of. Some may formulate their gender identity according to social norms and how they appear to…
Societies beliefs and expectations about what behaviors are appropriate for males and females have a lot to do with their maturation stages. Boys are socialized toward achievement in the world of accomplishment. Physically mature boys appear to be more competent achievers and better able to meet society’s expectations for males. Late-maturing boys may appear useless in this affection, and this could be hostile to their self-esteem. Boys are also socially or culturally influenced to be like kids. For example, how men are always asked how many women have they been with or how many girlfriends have they had, unlike girls who are expected to be perfect and pure. Girls, on the other hand, have difficult early maturation because girls go through…
On March 3rd, I went to a play called Boys Will Be Boys in UNI’s Interpreters Theatre. I initially went because a friend of mine was in it and they asked me to attend. I was excited because i’ve only seen plays done by Theatre UNI, so it would be a nice change to see a smaller scale production. The theatre is located in Lang Hall. It was a very intimate theatre with little to no staging. The actors had to rely solely on a few props and their ability to act.…
Geoffrey Canada wrote in his book Reaching up for Manhood, "The image of male as strong is mixed with the image of male as violent. Male as virile gets mixed with male as promiscuous. Males as intelligent often gets mixed with male as arrogant, racist, and sexist." In this way many people define the masculinity and try to conform boys in these stereotypes which negative influence on boy’s development and behaviors. This image of masculinity started in antiquity and is still predominate in our days. Gender roles are distributed when babies are born by their parents then by the society. All these roles restrict men to behave like women and reverse. To have healthy society with healthy men we need to reexamine our attitude on the male education.…
It is a common practice to assume that gender is biological aspect of human lives, but in social sciences “gender identity [is] not a “thing” that people “have,” but rather a process of construction that develops, comes into crisis, and changes as a person interacts with the social world” (Messner 2009:120). As Messner (2009) explained, gender identity is not static but is rather a dynamic process that all individuals experience through social interactions. When I was young, my parents always referred to me as a “tomboy” because I often played with boys and was comfortable wearing boy’s clothes. Likewise, I knew that I was a girl. However, I preferred to play with boys because their games were more enticing and intriguing. Since I was little,…
Gender roles are taught to boys from the very day they are born. Parents treat sons and daughters differently. Little boys are taught to be tough. When little boy’s cry their parents might respond by telling him to grow up, and be a tough. However if a little girl did the same thing she would most likely receive more sympathy from her parents. A good example of this is in athletics. It is acceptable for a female athlete to cry when an injury takes place. But male athletes are usually made fun of for being “weak” or “sissies.” These expectations can be harmful to boys and men. According to Dennis Thompson, some studies show men and women share more emotional similarities than differences. When men are forced to hold in their emotions, they are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, and participate in riskier behaviors such as smoking or drinking. ("Gender Differences in Emotional Health." N.p., n.d. Web. ) Boys and men should be allowed to grow up with non-stereotypical responses to their true emotional needs.…
Being a boy or a girl seems a very certain thing referring to the “sex” of the child which is determined by the child’s physical characteristics. Actually, children are able to decide to behave like a boy or a girl or something in between when growing up by their personal internal definition and interpretation of self which is their “gender identity”. This identity does not completely depend on their biological sex though most children’s gender identity aligns with their biological sex. Sometimes it is also influenced by expectations of gender from children’s parents, grandparents, teachers and some other previous generations and the society. Expectations from different people in different societies differ to each other and children of a society are often punished or rewarded for the degree to which the social roles they play accompany culturally constructed expectations of gender which is their “gender role”.…
The phrase, “let the boys be boys.” before, is often repeated by parents regarding their sons. So what makes a boy, a boy? Bulging muscles? G.I. Joe like characteristics? Short hair? Wearing blue? Boys must learn what boys and men like, what they do, and even how they think and feel. Men are encouraged to act tough, strong, aggressive, and show no weakness. According to this…