Watching the movie Indiana Jones The Raiders of the Lost Ark was great to feel like you're there. And you can tell there a relationship between Jones and Marion because they seem to have already met and have a past relationship and to pick up back where they left off and helping with that happening in the movie helped me find the theme of the movie i’m not gonna lie was very difficult but I found a couple of possible themes one theme I picked was action. Action because there was a lot of action in the movie with all the fighting, guns, fire, and jumping i thought that if they took out of that then the movie would be like ten to five minutes long. Another theme i thought was a possibility was mystery. Mystery because they go on hunts for treasure…
The film takes place in two timelines and involves two couples from different continents. The Australian couple, Walt and Ruth, lives in the present and are bickering on account of the husband’s obsession to catch flies that to his wife’s dismay, resulted to the neglect of his household chores. The Filipino couple lives in the memory of the husband, Jessie. He remembers his wife, Appollonia, as an activist writer who died during the height of martial law in the Philippines.…
Few teams have gone from irrelevance to significance as quickly as the newly (re)christened Los Angeles Rams.…
In the movie The Rookie, directed by John Lee Hancock, the director tells a story about a high school baseball coach from Texas named Jimmy Morris. Morris’s dream throughout his life was to make it to the big leagues and play with the very best in the game. He faced multiple challenges that tried to hold him back from his dream. One of the challenges he faced was his dad, his father disapproved of him playing baseball and didn’t support him playing at a young age. Another big challenge was the town Morris’s family moved to, they didn’t care for baseball and there was nowhere to play. In the end, an injury ended his career and he knew it was time to give it up. Eventually, Morris got married and had three children,…
Thirdly the theme stood in very essential place in the movie. The theme told and warned people the potential danger of technology. It showed the possibility of technology how it could harm people physically and mentally. Another part of the theme presented that humans make same mistakes over and over. In previous movies, they made the Jurassic Park and the problem always occurred, but they never learned from their past mistakes. It acknowledges people once more to do the right thing and look back at their faults. Theme passed very important messages to…
Students never quit in the class because Kemo wouldn’t let give up with out trying & would always tell them they needed the “ganas” to be able to do it.…
The theme of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is their use of plot. This is because the story shows us that taking chances and being adventurous with life helps you discover new and exciting things. The thing that the filmmakers are trying to tell us is to go out and experience these new things so that you can make the most out of life like Indiana Jones but not to be too reckless like the people that opened the ark and payed the price for it. This lesson is successful because it’s demonstrating the excitement of exploring the world in search of new finds that are interesting and could benefit the world. If I were the director of this film however I wouldn’t have left a kind of cliffhanger at the end of the film that left some unanswered questions…
Sister James and Sister Aloysius play a very important role in John Patrick Shanley’s movie Doubt, which is about the mistrust that takes place in a school directed by the church on priest Flynn command. There, sister Aloysius is the principal, so she is in charge of the student’s rights and responsibilities. On the other hand Sister James is a history teacher. Both characters are important for their way of handling the doubt.…
This essay will take an in-depth look at the history of Hollywood during the late 60s and early 70s. This period of time is considered to have been a renaissance for American cinema, and was titled the ‘New Hollywood’ by cotemporary critics of the time. In order to understand the changes that Hollywood went through the late ‘60s, you first have to examine the preceding era of Hollywood filmmaking during the 30s and 40s. This was a period that is commonly referred to as Hollywood’s Golden Age; when the dream factories were in full swing and the audiences were in regular attendance. This period of time could be defined by a number of social, political or economic contexts, but it’s the filmmaking practices that were employed at the time which…
What are some of the themes that are central to the film? How have they been communicated?…
In the movie “Bernie”, we follow the story and between a Carthage, Texas funeral director Bernie Tiede, and his co-dependent relationship with a wealthy widow, Marjorie Nugent. As “Bernie” unfolds, we see the companionship turn for the worse as Ms. Nugent’s ill-temper causes Bernie to snap – and lands her dead in her freezer. This movie brings up some questions, specifically regarding image. After analysis, the question I keep coming back to is “Was Bernie genuine and sincere? Or was it all a façade?” Although Bernie committed a horrible crime, I believe the answer to this question is “yes”- Bernie was a genuine man.…
Pursuing this forward, when kevin was born he tended to cry uncontrollably and Eva would just let him cry. Without showing him any type of love, affections, or catering to his needs. In the eyes of a psychodynamic therapist they would say his disorder started from home. It's always the mother's fault she did not show an abundant amount of love, guidance, support or trust. Kevin states that his mom's room looks dumb with all of her geographical photos. Eva states that she likes them and she can help him with his room to make it special as well. Once Eva walks out to answer a phone call she returns back to her room to find Kevin has damaged all of her photos with a spray gun. She took the gun and smashed it onto the ground repeatedly stomping…
The film Gattaca presents a world in the “not too distant future,” where human beings are judged and defined solely by their genetic make-up, a world in which the scientific determination of one’s existence is placed over faith, religion, and free-will. Parents have the ability to choose their children’s genes and can essentially create the “perfect” child through ensuring that their best hereditary traits are passed on. Those who are conceived naturally are referred to as “God-children”, children of “faith” or “invalids”, and are viewed as inferiors, doomed to second class society. Vincent Freeman and Jerome Morrow, Gattaca’s two main characters, defy this scientifically predestined world, and through one another are able to triumph over the limitations that society sets forth for them.…
Did you know that California is the number one state that produces adult films in the U.S? Statistics has shown that “90% of all porn is shot in the San Fernando Valley”. (Abram Susan,) But why is the Valley of San Fernando the home of pornography? Well, it's all thanks to Hal Freeman an adult film actor in 1983 (One thing that you have to know is that in 1993 porn was illegal). He was sued by the state and sent to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court noticed how Hal Freeman wasn’t making the porn just to grab attention from the people, he was trying to make a living out of his own films. Therefore, pornography was first legalized in the San Fernando Valley (Faraci). Proposition 60 is a ballot that wants to protect adult film workers…
The movie shows a contrasting theme of life and death, fertility and barrenness. It shows some ironies in life like the destruction of the environment being necessary to make way for progress or even contemporary changes resulting to more burden than improvement.…