Luther was very respected by the peasants because of his thoughts and honesty about the biblical text. Luther believed and saw first hand how other people of "God" were using indulgences to take the money of the religiously uneducated in return for what they claimed was forgiveness and less time spent in purgatory for either themselves or relatives. Luther was blamed for the deaths of many of the peasants because after he had disappeared they had began an uprising to follow what they thought were his beliefs and because of this many of them lost their lives (it was estimated in the film that between 50,000 and 100,000 peasants and knights died.) The peasants that fought and were slaughtered were fighting alongside one of Luther's friend's which had taken what Luther had said and used it to rally the peasants into an uprising even though Luther did not mean it the way that it was understood. Luther did not have much power outside the peasant population with exception to the few of his fellow clergymen which mainly only helped to hide and transport him. The majority of the clergymen seemed to be rather envious of Luther for being able to stand up for what he believed in even though this meant he was in
Luther was very respected by the peasants because of his thoughts and honesty about the biblical text. Luther believed and saw first hand how other people of "God" were using indulgences to take the money of the religiously uneducated in return for what they claimed was forgiveness and less time spent in purgatory for either themselves or relatives. Luther was blamed for the deaths of many of the peasants because after he had disappeared they had began an uprising to follow what they thought were his beliefs and because of this many of them lost their lives (it was estimated in the film that between 50,000 and 100,000 peasants and knights died.) The peasants that fought and were slaughtered were fighting alongside one of Luther's friend's which had taken what Luther had said and used it to rally the peasants into an uprising even though Luther did not mean it the way that it was understood. Luther did not have much power outside the peasant population with exception to the few of his fellow clergymen which mainly only helped to hide and transport him. The majority of the clergymen seemed to be rather envious of Luther for being able to stand up for what he believed in even though this meant he was in