Throughout the years 1536-69 five rebellions took place, all of which could be interpreted as a dangerous challenge to the monarch and the state, at the same time all of which can be interpreted as not a dangerous challenge instead could even have strengthen the monarch and the state. Source X agrees with the statement as ‘each monarch faced at least one serious revolt.’ Source V suggest that a lack of leadership, organisation and ‘geographic limits’ hindered the success of many rebellions such as the northern rebellion or the pilgrimage of grace. Source W agrees with the statement ‘in the right hands and with the right circumstances’ popular protest in the sixteen century could have posed a dangerous challenge to the monarch and the state. I will interpret these sources to determine whether the rebellions of the 16th century did or did not pose a dangerous challenge to the monarch and the state.…
The princes were able to respond to Luther’s theologies in order to create a successful atmosphere; we can see this in 1519, as the German Princes saw a national figurehead who they could look to for ideology for the Reformation, where Luther met with famous German theologian John Eck who accused Luther of being a Hussite to which Luther accepted. He denied the authority of the popes, he denied the authority of the general councils and he reiterated his idea of "justification by faith alone." And in December of 1520 Luther burned the Bull of Excommunication issued by Leo X which condemned Luther’s work. Luther began to write to the princes by 1520, in August he wrote the “Address to the Christian…
Documents 1, 4, and 5 explained the point of view of the nobility which mostly all of the nobility agreed it was negative. In Document 1the Chancellor of Bavaria wrote how he believed that the revolt was simply the belief of the time and that's why so many peasants were following the same belief. Yet the chancellor doesn't realize the side of the peasant who strive for a better life for themselves, they simply want to have more rights for the individuality. In document 4 it explains how they have not reach any religious achievements, so for their freedom they must give a large amount of money to buy their freedom. As for document 5 a pope explains how the peasants are more like salvages and act very ruthless during their revolt. All 3 of these documents are more than likely extremely biased since the nobility only wanted to better themselves and nobody else.…
In the early 1500s religious reforms were constant throughout all of Germany, including the ideas of Martin Luther. Martin Luther brought the idea of equality to the peasants (1,3,6) , which in term started the revolts. In document 1 Leonhard van Eck states that the peasants were blinded and led astray into believing these ideas. Eck thinks the peasants used Luther as a rebellion starter, but Eck is a noble. He is very likely to state such things because the revolts are most likely hurting him financially, and he does not want to support the peasants for fear of a major fall if the peasant revolts fail. Document 3 is also a case for equality, it is from the peasants themselves saying they are tired of being treated like this and rebel for equality, and that we are equal in the eyes of the Lord and so we should be in yours. Although, since the document itself is written by the peasants they could be saying all of that just to gain more supporters for their cause of rebelling. Document 6 is almost a parallel of 3 in that the reason to revolt is for equality. Munstzer is not a peasant but is supporting the peasants’ revolts; he encourages them to take down the towers of the nobles to the ground. His letter is an open and public letter most likely to get more people to see it; also he uses the aspect of religion in it, “God’s will”. He probably just wants people to follow him and his religion. Throughout the 16th century peasants got the idea and encouragement to revolt though the equality ideas of Luther.…
Some peasants were more radical than the methods that Lotzer suggests. He highlights the idea that the peasants matter as individuals and should be respected. This is echoed in Document 3. The peasant speaker asserts that they are as hold as the Emperor and demand to be freed. This shows it inspired them to rebel. This also shows that they were the first willing to consult the government for help before the violence. In Document 8, the peasant’s perspective is relayed. Lorenz Fries writes to an archbishop who may be a victim of the revolts and may be skewing the truth. However, he does suggest that the peasants’ ideas of brotherhood are becoming radical as they discuss the redistribution of wealth. The responses to the peasant’s rebellions and concerns by the government were made to seem reasonable but were made to seem reasonable but in actuality were not. In documents 4, 10, and 12, you can see this. In Document 4, the government responds to a request by saying that for the peasants to be free they must buy themselves out of serfdom. Very few peasants would have the means to accomplish this. This may have inspired more revolts through its ineffectiveness. Another comical governmental reason falls by the…
On October 31, 1517, Luther attached to the door of the church at Wittenberg castle the 95 theses against the indulgences. Since they were read, it spread throughout the Holy Roman Empire. This is the beginning point of the declination of the Holy Roman Empire. Soon he would late challenge the Pope and the church. After doing that he was then excommunicated. Later Charles V declared that Luther is the outlaw of the empire and believes he shouldn’t get protection even though he gets protection from the princes. Since Luther’s beliefs were spreading, the poor would start to do crazy stuff when starting to steal from people. Later the decline involved in the Peasants to revolt against the church by using Luther’s writings. Lutheranism was what the poor…
(Pg. 77, 110) 2. Luther did not support the rebellion and continually condemned the peasants harshly for their actions against the state. Luther claimed that insurrection is not something that God tolerates because man solely becomes judge, jury, and executioner. (Pg. 58) 3. Luther is not to blame for the Peasants’ War, but rather it is the temporal state who should be held responsible.…
Hostility towards the landed classes contributed towards the outbreak of the Peasants revolt in 1381, the introduction of poll tax, the 100 years’ war, the Ordinance of Labourers and the Sumptuary Laws are all factors which contributed to the hostility.…
The documents mostly overlooking the ruthlessness of the attacks came from Martin Luther and the Pastor. These documents depict a message that the revolts were extensive. Their responses to the revolts were both the same, almost like they were reflecting on the occurrences of the revolts as a summary rather than an opinion. The townsfolk were the peasant supporters, opening the gates and towers to the peasants to let them in. Being a rebel himself, Martin Luther, theologian, was able to relate and give a different point of view on the peasant revolts. Luther has more of a negative outlook towards the peasants, as he states that “(the peasants) violently took matters into their own hands.” The map given shows that most conflict was in the middle of Germany, ranging down towards Republic of Venice and South Germany. One other document that conveyed the message of the overall attack responses was the Decree of the Imperial Diet. It talked about the recap of the year, the “unchristian rebellion by subjects through southern Germany”, and other larger than life depictions of the revolts.…
Religious officials viewed the peasant revolts with differing views. For example, Thomas Muntzer encouraged these revolts, implying that they were God's Will (Doc 6). On the other hand, Martin Luther condemned the peasants, claiming that they were associated with the Devil (Doc 7). However, Luther's claim was influenced by his political situation. Exiled by the Edict of Worms, Luther needed the protection of nobles. Due to this, he could not support the revolts unless he opposed the nobles. What's more, Muntzer was once a follower of Luther. This further proves that Luther's position on the peasant revolts was biased, because Luther went against his original beliefs. Moreover, peasants were dissatisfied with their way of life, claiming that the rich should share what they had with the poor. They claimed that Christ had redeemed both the peasants and the Emperor with His blood (Doc 3). Thus, the peasants were hopeful that as Christian lords the nobles would free them from serfdom. Also, the peasants of Wurzburg believed that the nobles were brothers with the peasants (Doc 8). They also stated that the rich should share with the poor, especially if the rich had used the poor for monetary gains. In the end, this revealed the peasants' agitation at their situation, which led the nobles to rethink their actions. Furthermore, Caspar Nutzel said that although the peasants went too far, it was not unjustified (Doc 9). The authorities treated the peasants like sheep, using the wool for profit but neglecting to keep the sheep healthy by taking care of it. Therefore, the peasant revolts were viewed with both sympathy and disdain by the nobles.…
In my opinion Martin Luther and the Protestants were right to protest against the Catholic Church. In this short essay I will discuss the reasons why Martin Luther and the Protestants were right to protest against the Catholic Church.…
reaction of a peasant at the time as it had promised their freedom which had never been…
The Protestant Reformation of 15171 was the schism within Western Christianity initiated by the actions of a group of reformers; John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, John Calvin and Martin Luther. Martin Luther is one of the most well-known reformers as he nailed 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany to bring attention to the fact that the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt. Many controversies arose because the theses were highly critical of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope. The main focuses of the theses were on; the selling of indulgences. Martin Luther’s book To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation was also another cause…
Nicholas I, a narrow-minded man with strong conviction, never forgot the rebellion. It is reported that for the rest of his life he trembled at the "spectre of revolution". To forestall…
The Age of Reformation - religious revolution in Western Europe in the 16th cent. Beginning as a reform movement within the Roman Catholic Church, the Reformation ultimately led to freedom of dissent. The preparation for the movement was long and there had been earlier calls for reform, e.g., by John WYCLIF and John HUSS. Desire for change within the church was increased by the RENAISSANCE, with its study of ancient texts and emphasis on the individual. Other factors that aided the movement were the invention of printing, the rise of commerce and a middle class, and political conflicts between German princes and the Holy Roman emperor. The Reformation began suddenly when Martin LUTHER posted 95 theses on the church door at Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. Open attack on the doctrines and authority of the church followed and led to Luther's breach with the church (1520), which the Diet of Worms (1521) failed to heal. His doctrine was of justification by faith alone instead of by sacraments, good works, and meditation, and it placed a person in direct communication with God. Luther's insistence on reading the Bible placed on the individual a greater responsibility for his own salvation. The new church spread in Germany and Scandinavia, especially among princes and people who hoped for a greater degree of freedom. The conflict between the Lutherans and the Catholic Emperor CHARLES V was long and bitter. A temporary settlement was reached at the Peace of Augsburg (1555), but continued discord contributed later to the THIRTY YEARS WAR. Outside Germany, a different type of dissent developed under Huldreich ZWINGLI in Zurich, and within Protestantism differences arose, such as doctrinal arguments on the Lord's Supper. These were debated, inconclusively, at the Colloquy of Marburg (1529) by Luther and Philip MELANCHTHON on one side and Zwingli and Johannes Oecolampadius on the other. More radical ideas were spread, particularly among the lower…