Paragraphs- character development, narration style,
Random- frogs falling from the sky
Story- plot- narration are the dimensions of film narration plot describes everything that is presented in the film, either visually or audibly story consists of all the events and characters—those that are explicitly shown as well as all those others that are implied or must be inferred by the viewer—that belong to the narrative.
Narration has power by selecting which elements of the story to include
Omniscient narration - A rare form of first person is the first person omniscient, in which the narrator is a character in the story, but also knows the thoughts and feelings of all the other characters. It can seem like third person omniscient at times.
Sound in jaws as non-diegetic narration to increase anticipation
First-person narration- central characters ( think lizzie mcquire) provides only a restricted access to the events that make up the film story- can only see as far as the character can see
Main character tells the story in a way that it determines his own fate
Questions social values and principles- is it okay to kill Ms. Dietrichson since she has tricked Mr. Neff into killing her late husband?
Narration of Double Indemnity develops the main character Mr. Neff up until his own death.
Overall question- how does the narration in double indemnity (omniscient narration in the narrative frame and first-person narration in the