Composition 1102
8 November 2013 Questioning Religion
The study of religion opens minds to profound questions and impressive possibilities of culture and beliefs. I believe in God and the biblical existence of good and evil...I believe proving God's existence in an imperfect world is far more difficult than proving the absolute existence in good and evil in an imperfect world.
The absolute creativity of today's society seems to be quite brainwashing? It
dictates you how to live, how to think, even what to eat and what is morally right? Just because the majority of society accepts a certain thing the world feels it is okay, it's almost like monkey see! Monkey do; and after the damages are done whether right or wrong it boils down only to well maybe that was not the right thing to do. It's human nature to accept change, but change is only something that the bible says "There's nothing new under the sun" Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Why do people make Christian's feel like being a
Christian and serving a high power such as God, Creator of all mankind is only a religion that brainwash its followers. In reality Christianity is shun but all other religions are accepted without even understanding the theories of its doctrines or principal truths . You can’t just say anything with no proof just by the way you feel. The study of God's true
religion opens minds to profound questions and possibilities of all cultures and their beliefs, all race and nationalities are accept and receive in Christianity belief, believing in
One God, One Faith, and One Baptism; I believe in God and the existence of good and evil...I believe proving His existence in an imperfect world is far more difficult than proving absolute truth of the existence of good or evil in an imperfect world.
Religion, Christianity the True Faith of God Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth, serves a