Before you keep reading, ask yourself this. What is religion to you? Think about the impact of religion. Think about how religion has impacted you and the people around you. Think about how religion’s impact made society to how it is today. There’s a quote from Pope Benedict XVI that explains what religions can do for us. This is what it says. “…The state does not impose religion, but rather gives space to religions with a responsibility toward civil society, and therefore it allows these …show more content…
From the word religion, it came from two Latin words “re” and “ligare” which to reconnect. Religion promotes high principles of human morality for the establishment of good relations among society’s members and eliminates all discrimination. As a result of this, it creates teamwork. It makes the society work as a team to help each other get by on “the passage of life” instead of making it more difficult. Also doing this will not only reduce conflicts and hatred with one another, plus it also keeps everyone organized and will work together to create a better world for the next generation of our world. Even though we know the purpose of this, why is this important to