Both classes will meet on Friday, December 5, 2014 in Room 6 for presentations and discussions of your proposals.
Over the past three weeks since various groups were assigned chapters to present you should have been working on your proposal.
Your research proposal can be:
1) The topic of the study that you have already began for this course.
2) A new topic altogether.
3) Join up with one or two other students for a group research proposal.
If you decide to propose something with a group, you will only turn in one paper proposal and one poster. If you chose the group format, each person is expected to take equal part in the drafting of the proposal paper and the eventual poster. With the group option, every member of the group will receive the same grade for both the paper and the poster, so please weigh your options carefully in terms of time commitment and your willingness to collaborate with others. Note as well that you have under two weeks left.
If you are submitting a joint proposal, in addition to the above proposal components, you must also attach an addendum labeled “Scope of Work”. You should include at least one paragraph offering justification for why you are submitting joint work. Additionally, you need to clearly define in separate paragraphs what each person will contribute to the proposal and eventual poster. For example, a joint group proposal might consist of one person analyzing parent data and the other analyzing child data. The eventual poster will be a synthesis of those two sets of analyses. The addendum should be ~ 1 to 2 pages long.
Your paper will be graded based on the rubric to be provided. It should be no less than 2000 words (approximately 8 - 10 pages). Appendices, the title page, and the references page do not count towards the word limit. Please state your word count on the bottom of the title page of your paper. The paper should be double-spaced, 11 point font, with 1” margins on all
Citations: and references should be in APA format. Research proposals are due on December 5th, 2014 by 12:00 PM by turn-in on engrade. We will all meet at the time scheduled (Friday, December 5 from 8:00 - 10:30 a.m.}for the examination to present your poster. Go to the following links for guidance: