I have enjoyed writing an essay only few times since my school even though I have never been a good writer but if I get have any chance to write an essay in the topic I love or the topic I know in an exhaustive manner I find pleasure in writing something. Whenever I sit down to write something, it is always a challenge for me to start and continue my thought in a same ways and to end the piece of writing but since I been writing essays from a long time I am getting used to it. If I know the topic or if I have done any research related to the heading then it would be very easy for me to write. It is always easy for me to write with a flow. Although sometimes if I don’t like the subjects then I sit down for hours to write, not even single word comes in mind to start my writing.
The main hassle during writing an essay for me is to organize my thought and break it down in to different paragraphs and conclude my idea in whichever direction it is going. I always love to think critically if possible so whenever I sit down to write an essay, I simply want to divide my though and write it down in few different paragraphs with different ideas. If I write something then it would always be straight and forward. I always try not to write a very long sentences which makes no sense or if it makes sense, really hard to understand. I just want to make it easy.
I never used to be the same until I met one of my teachers in my high school, who taught me English. He was my dad’s friend so he tried to teach me as much as possible and he gave me many tips to improve my writing. As a result I tried to write better than how I used to write it before.
Even though I don’t enjoy writing essay every time I write but that differ according to my state or feeling about the topic.
As English is not my native language, I often feel like I cannot express the exact feeling that I want to direct but that does not mean it is always the same case. Sometimes I want to convey one