FIN 4329: International Finance (Fall 2013)
Dr. Michael L. Davis 282 e Crow
Edwin L. Cox School of Business ph. (214) 768-2632
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-033 e-mail:
Office Hours: 10:00- 11:00 T Th or by appointment
Required text: Eun and Resnik, International Financial Management (6th edition).
The purpose of this course is to give you a better understanding of the unique problems and opportunities presented by international business. Since the special emphasis of this course is finance, we will focus considerable attention on specific topics of international finance such as foreign exchange markets and managing exchange rate risk. However, one of the recurring themes of the course is that it is not possible to discuss international financial management without reference to larger issues presented by international operations. Thus, we will also spend time talking about topics such as international economics (e.g., the balance of payments and the role of central banks in setting exchange rates) and multinational strategy.
Learning Outcomes
Understand the history and evolution of the international monetary system.
Understand the importance of international trade and flow of funds statistics.
Understand the organization of the market for foreign exchange
Understand the factors influencing exchange rates.
Understand the basics of foreign exchange derivatives.
Understand the types of foreign exchange risk facing multinational corporations
Understand the issues involved in capital budgeting and capital acquisition in a multinational firm.
The dates of exams and their relative weight are given in the schedule below. The dates for the exams are fixed but the topics covered on the exams will depend on where we are in the syllabus on that date. All SMU rules regarding academic honesty, drop days