Colby Scott
LeTourneau University
A Financial Analysis of Lockheed Martin corporation The world of finance in today’s market is one of numerous ups and downs. With the global economy in constant flux, it is more important than every for companies to examine their financial status and compare their position to that of the relative market as well as their fellow competitors. In order to better understand the ways in which today’s managers examine their position on the market and evaluate their current value as a company we will examine the financial data of Lockheed Martin Corporation and perform a detailed financial analysis on the company. In this analysis we will examine financial rations of Lockheed Martin and in turn compare these rations to that of fellow market competitors. Upon completion of our financial analysis we will be able to understand the financial position of Lockheed Martin as well as the position of Lockheed Martin in their respective market, and in turn we will be able to fully comprehend the methods and data used by companies in order to evaluate their company. Before going into an in depth analysis of our company, let us first examine the history behind Lockheed Martin. The Lockheed Martin Corporation traces its roots all the way back to the earliest days of flight. In 1909 aviation pioneer Glenn L. Martin organized a company around a small airplane construction business and transformed it into a major airframe supplier to U.S. military and commercial customers. In 1961 the Glenn L. Martin Company became the Martin Marietta Company after the completion of a merger with American-Marietta Corp., a leading supplier of building and road construction materials. In 1982, Martin Marietta was subject to a hostile takeover bid by the Bendix Corporation which bought the majority of Martin Marietta shares and in effect owned the company. However, Martin
Bibliography: 1. Free SEC Filings Email Alerts - (n.d.). Free SEC Filings Email Alerts - Retrieved April 26, 2011, from 2. Free SEC Filings Email Alerts - (n.d.). Free SEC Filings Email Alerts - Retrieved April 26, 2011, from 3. Ehrhardt, M. C., & Brigham, E. F. (2011). Corporate finance: a focus approach (4th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.