Table 1. Ratios calculated from JBH Annual Report 2009 using formulae from Evans & McDowell (2009).
| |FY08 |FY09 |
|Gross profit (GP) margin (%) |21.87 |21.64 |
|Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) margin (%) |5.59 |6.1 |
|Net profit after taxes (NPAT) margin (%) |3.56 |4.06 |
|Return on assets (%) |19.27 |21.69 |
|Return on equity (%) |39.7 |41.2 |
|Basic earnings per share (EPS) (cents) |61.78 |88.26 |
The gross profit (GP) margin decreased slightly in 2009 to 21.64% when compared to the previous year remaining at the reasonable trading efficiency of 20-30% as recommended by Evans and McDowell (2009). Whilst the GP margin decreased only slightly, the GP increased by 27% from $399,891 million to $503,591 million during the same time period, showing that the business managed to increase sales despite the economic downturn that occurred. This was due to a combination of the opening of 19 new stores throughout the year and achieving an 11.5% growth in sales in