One should be required to take a fine arts course because he or she might like it. If a student has never taken and upper level fine arts course then how will they know they don't like it. Most students never know what they don't like because they stay within their comfort zones. Although some students stay in their comfort zone it refrains them from learning new things.
If students go out of their
comfort zones then they can learn new things. As a student takes risks and sign up for these fine art courses then they are subject to learn about the art they chose. Although they are learning, which most people think are boring they could be having lots of fun. Taking these fine arts classes gives adults who majored in this art a job and fills up classes on your schedule.
Although taking this class might be required it also fills up class slots. Filling up class slots can be hard for some accelerated students because they have already taken most of the classes on the course request sheet. Filling up class slots is important because it bumps your gpa if get a really good grade in the class.
Taking an fine arts course should be required because one might like it, so the class slots get filled, and so one can learn fine arts. In one's mind these fine arts courses should be required for all the helping it does to students gpa and to the way they act upon the rest of their lives.