The Importance of Arts in Academics Depending on where you choose to attend school, the classes in the curriculum could vary based on any number of factors. Some schools in the Midwest might have a larger emphasis into industrial or agricultural career fields as opposed to schools on the East Coast. A common question asked by students is, “Why do I need to know this?” Many students question the validity of the education they are receiving and whether it is actually preparing them for the future or not. A large majority of students receive bad marks in school for the subjects that they do not deem worthy of their time or effort. This brings up the questions on which classes we should keep and why we need to keep them. Many people have stated that we should drop more artsy classes such as art, …show more content…
While there is no problem with going into a mechanical, hands on field, there will always be less creative progress made within these realms. We’ve already figured out the best ways to change tires, change oil, and make automobiles run, and until the day that we overhaul the automobile, these will remain the same. In agricultural fields we see advances split up by hundreds of year gaps because there is no thought of improving upon something when it seems to work just fine. In art however, things are dramatically different. Art is ever changing, ever moving, and cannot be limited to just a specific category of items. Art is in everything and truly is everything. There is no correct way to make art, art speaks for itself. That’s why there will always be more creativity in art than in any other type of class. Art is the only class where there are no rules, guidelines, or formulas that dictate exactly how things must be done. Clearly, art should remain a part of our education because it inspires boatloads of