Q: What is a plastic pipe firestop?
A: It is a device, a material or a combination of materials used to fill or seal a pipe penetration so that the fire integrity of the rated barrier (wall or floor) is maintained whenever it is penetrated by the plastic pipe.
Q. How are plastic pipe firestops tested to verify their performance?
A. This is done by building a section of wall, floor, or floor/ceiling assembly with the plastic pipe and firestop in place. The complete unit is subjected to a fire test that meets the requirements of ASTM E 814 (or UL 1479). In order to qualify as a
“listed” or “classified” firestop, it must resist the passage of flame and temperature for the prescribed time period that equals the barrier rating in
“hours.” Note: Some codes prescribe only an “F” rating and no “T” rating.
Q: Why is a firestop needed?
A: Firestops are required by all building codes whenever fire barriers (walls or floors) are penetrated by piping. Firestops can play a significant roll in controlling the spread of fire and smoke.
Q: How do firestops work?
A: The fill and/or cover the annular space around pipes penetrating walls and floors.
Most firestops contain materials that intumesce, (expand) in the presence of heat.
This action seals the penetration if heat softens the pipe.
Q: What information is needed to select an acceptable firestop?
A: Type of barrier, wall or floor; its material, its thickness, and its fire rating in hours. The pipe material; size of pipe; schedule or series of pipe that indicates wall thickness. The size of the hole and the annular space.
The pipe’s position in the hole (centered or off-center).
Q: How can firestopping be done to meet code requirements?
A: Gather all the necessary information. Select a listed firestop. Get the right product, and carefully follow all the installation instructions.
Q: Will the firestopping serve as a pipe support?
A: No. All codes call for proper