Servers……primary purpose of a server is to serve. A definition that majority of the world doesn’t know. A server is a computer system whose primary purpose (or even sole purpose) is to host files and or applications and provide access to them on a network. Server can share resources with various clients. All business no matter the size or the level of operation utilizes servers or server operating systems with today’s technology. My research we will discuss my outlook on the firewall security of Windows Server 2008 R2. I will give a short and brief history and follow up with a short method of determination and comparison of features of advantages of interest with benefits. Then close in my summary with the future of productivity.
In 1993 Windows Server was created for Windows Operating Systems. It was very basic networking operating system server. It was powerful high-level-language-based, processor-independent, multiprocessing, multiuser operating system with features comparable to UNIX. It was intended to complement consumer versions of Windows that were based on MS-DOS. NT first fully 32-bit version of Windows. 1994 it was enhanced with sharing files through FTP, printers through LPR and act as Gopher, Web, and WAIS servers. It featured a new startup screen. The interface was updated to be consistent with Windows and Workgroups. It was also more efficient- performance is higher and requires less memory. In 1995 was the first incarnation of modern GUI with taskbar and start menu. It was designed to replace the Windows 3.x Program Manage/File Manager based shell with Windows Explorer-based graphical user interface. In 2000 Windows 2000 is an Operating System for both Client and Servers. It is a massive upgrade. It introduced the active directory structure for directory management, active server pages, and XML support in Microsoft server products. There were three versions. Net Framework functionality
References: Alan Sugano (2011). Windows IT Pro. “Windows Server 2008 R2 Firewall Security”, Article 17.12 http://download.microsoft.com/download/WindowsServer2008R2_Overview.pdf