Q. Why is first aid important?
A. It is better to know first aid and not need it than to need it and not know it.
Q. What is first aid?
A. First aid is the immediate care give to an injured or suddenly ill person.
Q. What is Duty of Care?
A. While providing first aid you have a duty of care which requires you to assess and treat the casualty within the confines of your training and expertise i.e. you must only do what you are trained to do.
Q. What is CPR
Q. What is Cyanosis
A. CYANOSIS is the result of low levels of oxygen in the blood resulting in the skin and mucous membranes becoming blue or grey
Key Terms:
Consent: You must obtain consent from an alert person before providing care either by Verbal consent or Expressed consent the nod of the head.
Implied consent assumes a non alert person will want care provided.
Patient Confidentiality: All data or information collected must be stored in a locked fireproof cabinet and if stored electronically secured by password
Negligence: Occurs when having a duty to act but either not doing so or doing so incorrectly or causing injury and damages
Documentation: Documentation should include the following
· Date of Intervention
· Name & address of casualty
· Location of incident
· Type of injury/illness
· Type of treatment given
· Your name and signature
Protection: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Ø Latex Free Gloves
Ø Protective Eyewear
Ø Standard Surgical Mask
Ø Mouth to Mouth Barriers
Ø Wash hands with soap & water after giving first aid, clean spill area with disinfecting solution such as ¼ cup bleach & 4 litres of water
Ø If exposure happens at work report incident to supervisor otherwise contact your doctor
Disease Transmission:
Bloodbourne Diseases: are diseases carried by an infected person’s blood such as
Hepatitis B Virus (Viral infection of the Liver vaccine available)
Hepatitis C Virus (Viral infection of the Liver NO vaccine