I got up at 6 in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Almost immediately I began the routine that I had trained myself for during the week before college began. I sat up, turned off the alarm, drank some of the water I keep by my nightstand for my parched mouth, and proceeded to the necessarium. What I did in there is my own business, suffice to say when I came out 10 or so minutes later, I was a bit lighter, and had a clean shave.
I went downstairs to take a shower. Less than 15 minutes later I came out, got dressed, and ate my breakfast- Kellogg's Raisin Granola Crunch, and pop tarts. I then brushed my teeth, combed my hair into a ponytail secured by a big black hair band, put on my shoe's, made sure everything else was in order, and headed out the door to the car.
And so it was that I arrived at the Dial A Ride parking lot with plenty of time to spare. Here that I met my buss mates. I was pleasantly surprised to find them all rather nice people, people who were friendly towards me. We introduced ourselves, and then got on our bus. The bus took us to the college, after a rather lengthy ride. When I got out of the bus, I headed inside, to the bookstore.
As I headed out of the bookstore, I bumped into Shery. Shery is the girl next door so to speak, she lives a block away. We go back aways her and I... lets just say she gave allot of false signals that she liked me (hugging me on her birthday, saying she would see me soon). It awkward seeing her again; she was looking around for a friend... she said hi, I said hi, and we left it at that. We are not on the greatest of terms you see, she does not know it, but I dislike her considerably on account of the false signals. So I have to deal with seeing her on campus every time I go; we practically have the same schedule it would appear.
Once we parted ways, I saw a Magic card game in progress. I introduced myself to the guys, and asked if they would teach me. One of them