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Just like Charles Duhigg says, “This explains why habits are so powerful: They create neurological cravings. Most of the time, these cravings emerge so gradually that we’re not really aware they exist, so we’re often blind to their influence. But as we associate cues with certain rewards, a subconscious craving emerges in our brains that starts the habit loop
My life too has a habit loop. More than one of course, but here is an example of how the habit loop applies to my life. I hear my alarm clock roar as I jump up to get my day started. I grab a boiling hot cup of coffee and a light breakfast. After I eat, I take a semi cold shower and brush my teeth. With my clothes already laid out, I finish getting ready and I go to school or work. When I get home, I do all of my homework and go to bed. At the end of each day, I feel accomplished of everything that I have done. This is my habit loop every day. My cue is my alarm clock going off and my routine is everything I do throughout the day. At the end of the day, I receive my reward and that is the feeling of