The media at the time of his university career was almost completely bias against soviet Russia due to “American and European influence which angered left wing students ” causing them to self marginalize. He noted that while his peers were influencing each other, the media was influencing his peers in a “never-ending cycle”. Adrian reported, “people who were neutral to either party were suddenly swept up in …show more content…
Adrian feels “uncomfortable ” expressing opposing opinions to those he is talking to in stark contrast to 73% of generation Z that feels comfortable expressing opinions opposed to that of the person they are speaking to . This relates to by definition of first wave political correctness in which what was PC was told and obeyed my the public with dire consequences if not followed. Generation Z may feel comfortable expressing an opinion opposed to that of the since political correctness to them “is just having an extra thing to be aware of in a conversation” rather than a set of rules. 76.6% of generation Z saw political correctness as a form of censorship however this was not an inherently bad thing as they stated, “some phrases and terms, etc. need to be politically correct to not offend ” this is still censorship but for the good of the greater